Book Boss

Write and Launch a Profitable eBook in 90 Days or Less

  Enroll in Course

Bloggers are some of the most hardworking people I know. They spend countless hours creating content and perfecting their craft, and a lot of times they’re doing it for free.

I remember being at that point in my own blogging journey, and trying to figure out how to take this hobby that I absolutely loved and turn it into a business that would help me contribute to my family. What was I missing? How could I connect the two? In the midst of trying to figure all of this out, my husband Donnie suggested that I write an eBook.

I shot down the idea immediately.

I wasn’t qualified enough to write an eBook! Plus my schedule already felt packed with trying to manage our household, care for our kids, and get out a few blog posts a week; certainly I couldn’t add writing an eBook to the mix. I also had no idea how to go about writing an eBook, getting it formatted, and marketing it in the right way. And what if no one bought it? What if people thought I was silly or overstepping my bounds?

But thankfully, Donnie was persistent, and I wrote that first eBook. And then another and another and another. And today, he and I are able to be full time bloggers, working at home together on our business and making a very healthy income, due in large part to eBooks and the proven launch strategy we’ve developed.

I talk to bloggers every single day who are exactly where I was. They’ve established a blog, they love what they do, and they’re ready to take it to the next level, but they don’t know exactly how to do so.

Ebooks can help with that. And now, for the first time, we're sharing our proven system for writing and launching eBooks so that we can help with that too.

I know it can be scary to make the leap. I’ve heard many, many objections from other bloggers (and had the same objections myself!), explaining why they couldn’t possibly write an eBook.

Objection #1: “What will my readers think if I try to sell them something? Won’t they be mad?”

When executed correctly, eBooks allow you to produce a product that will be so insanely helpful to your specific audience that they won’t be able to wait to get their hands on your book. You’re meeting a need that they have, fixing their problems, and making their lives easier through your knowledge and expertise, and they will gladly be willing to pay for the amazing results that your product will yield.

Objection #2: “But you just said ‘expertise.’ I’m not an expert at anything! I can’t write an eBook!”

Those were my exact thoughts when I began to contemplate writing an eBook, too. Donnie had suggested that I write about how I grew my blog during the first year, but I wasn’t a blogging expert! I was only one year in-- there were tons of people who knew much more about blogging than I did! Surely everything I had to say would be common knowledge, right?

But what I learned by successfully writing and launching that first eBook was that I didn’t have to be the world’s foremost expert at my topic. I just had to know more than some people. And it was better, in fact, that I was writing from a place that was just a few steps ahead of my readers. I could relate to their struggles and fears more closely because I had been where they were not all that long ago.

Objection #3: “But I don’t have time to write an eBook! I already feel like I have way too much on my plate. How can I possibly add something else to the mix?!”

Oh what we could do if we just had more hours in the day! The reality is, very few of us will ever just happen to have this open block of time in our schedule to write an eBook. It just won’t happen. We have to make the time. And what I’ve learned as I’ve now gone through 6 launches is that it is possible to tweak your schedule and your blog content to make eBook writing possible (yes, even if you have kids)!

Objection #4: “Okay, so maybe I could write an eBook, but how will I format it? And even if I manage to do that, where do I sell it? How do I let people know about it? How do I even begin to make sales?!”

That’s where BookBoss comes in. We didn’t know any of those things either, but we did our research, learned a lot through trial and error, continuously tweaked our systems to make them better, and now we want to share them with you.

Sure, you could go do your own research and figure out everything on your own like we did, but why spend your time on that when we've already done all of the work for you? Why not take advantage of our years of experience that we're ready and willing to share to make your life a whole lot easier and save you valuable time?

You can do this. Will it be a lot of work? Yes. Will there be times that you want to quit? Probably. But always keep that end goal in mind: eBooks have the ability to provide you with a passive income stream that will keep working for you over and over and over again. You can make sales while you’re sleeping, while you’re on vacation, and while you’re playing with your kids. And our proven system can help you get there.

The chart above measures our income from Just a Girl and Her Blog over the past two years, with months that we've launched an eBook highlighted in pink. As you can see, each time we've added another income stream to our business in the form of an eBook, our income grew and grew and grew. None of this would have been possible without eBooks and our proven launch plan.

Are you ready to take the leap?

This could be a pivotal moment for you. You could look back on your launch day (just 90 days from now!) and realize that this was the moment that you made the decision to take your online business seriously, the moment you decided to create and sell something for your readers, for their challenges and struggles, and for the good of your business and the freedom that comes along with it.

"By following Abby's strategic launch sequence I earned over $1000 in sales on the first day of my launch and over $5000 for the entire month. Writing the material for an eBook is simple, but knowing how to launch it could make or break its success. I refused to let all of my hard work go down the drain and chose to follow a launch plan that works."

-Lesley, author of What the Tech?

I’m excited to see you take that step and take your blog or online business to the next level by writing and launching an ebook the right way, the way that will earn you money!

So how do you do that?

  1. Quickly validate your eBook idea before you spend hours and hours writing.
  2. Match your audience's unique needs to a specific solution.
  3. Use words and phrases that resonate with your audience (instead of talking over their head).
  4. Start with a solid foundation of a strategic launch plan and build from there.
  5. Favor more specific and actionable topics over broad and general.
  6. Build buzz and early interest the right way to ensure sales when the cart opens.
  7. Use the eBook launch as a strategic way to build a highly engaged email list full of readers who want to learn more from you.
  8. Realize that sales copy, presentation, and a strategic launch plan will have a major impact on your success.
  9. Treat your eBook as a business asset and market the book on autopilot to its fullest potential.

I know this can be overwhelming, but thankfully, you have our BookBoss course to walk you through this process one step at a time!

It's all of the info you need to know to write and launch a profitable eBook in just 90 days. Really.

All of this incredible information is housed on the beautiful, easy-to-navigate Teachable platform, where you'll be able to log in, see all of the modules and lessons in a neatly organized way, and follow along with the course step by step.

Course Curriculum

  Module 7: Executing Your Launch
Available in days
days after you enroll

"Abby is more than a terrific writer and successful business owner - she is a wonderful teacher with a passion for helping other bloggers. She has a wealth of practical knowledge and expertise that she always pairs with lots of encouragement. I admire her, respect her, and am regularly inspired by her!"

-Meredith, blogger at Unoriginal Mom

If you’d like to get a feel for what you’ll learn in BookBoss, we invite you to take our free email course, Build Your Launch List, which will teach you how to grow your email list in preparation for launching your eBook-- one of the most critical steps of the process!

Hi, I’m Abby! I started Just a Girl and Her Blog on a whim in early 2013 and was quickly bitten by the blogging bug while sharing about organization and home decor ideas. I began writing and launching eBooks in mid 2014 with my husband Donnie’s help and encouragement, and together we have been able to turn my blog into a thriving business that we both work on full time. In an effort to help bloggers and bloggers-to-be even more, we started a second site,, in 2014 to focus on blogging and online business topics.

When we're not blogging, you can find us running on the local trails, testing out every playground known to Pittsburgh with our two sons Connor and Caleb, and cheering on the black and gold.

"I have been a long-time fan of Abby's teachings, starting with her eBook Building a Framework. I read it when my blog was earning $100 a month, and I was so inspired by her story and down-to-earth advice that I decided if she could do it, then maybe I should give it a go! That was 2 years ago, and this January I almost earned $10,000 from my blog and eBook! I feel like I can follow along with her and Donnie and their blogging adventure and learn along the way. I'm excited to see what she puts out next -- her writing style and practical advice will immediately give you a sense of 'I can do this!'"

-Lena, author of 17 Strategies I Used to Increase My Page Views (from 17K to 350K Each Month!)

How long do I have access to the course?

Does “forever” sound good? Your purchase guarantees access for the life of the course, including any future upgrades and updates.

What’s your refund policy?

You may request a refund within 30 days of your purchase. When requesting a refund, you must provide proof that you’ve completed the modules and made steps to implement our plan.

The course will only yield results if you put in the work and implement the strategies described. We are confident that if you follow through and complete the work, you will see amazing results from your eBook launch!

How do I access the course?

When you register, you will receive an enrollment email with your unique login information for the video-based course.

I’ve seen other eBook launching courses 10x the price of yours. Is this just a general “overview” type course?

Nope. This is the real deal course taking you from “not sure what to write about” to launching your eBook in 90 days. We think writing and launching your first eBook is so foundational for your online business that we wanted to set a “no brainer” price for our course and help as many people as possible.

Does the course teach Kindle store or iBooks store launching strategies?

Nope! The Kindle store and iBooks store have some good things going for them, but for income and audience building, you need more control over the format, distribution, onboarding, and customer communication. One of the great benefits of launching an eBook is tremendous list growth! You give that up with Kindle books. We teach you how to launch a PDF eBook where you control everything.

What format is the course?

The course is hosted on Teachable and is a series of videos, primarily in slideshow format. The tech trainings are screencasts of the actual strategies being implemented. You will also receive a digital course workbook that you can print and use to your liking.

Can I just find this info for free online?

You could certainly try to pull together bits and pieces of an eBook launch strategy from various sources around the web, but I would be willing to bet that they would not be nearly as comprehensive and detailed as the in-depth training you’ll receive in this course. We make it easy with everything you need to know all in one place!

This is a big investment. Is it worth it?

Absolutely! Not only will you have the opportunity to make your investment back (plus much, much more!) when you launch your eBook, but you can repeat the process again and again, adding to your income streams over and over! It’s a no brainer!

I have a different question.

Don’t see your question on the list? Feel free to email us at hello {at} buildingaframework {dot} com, and we would be happy to send you the information you need!

Still undecided?

Book Boss: How to Write and Launch a Profitable eBook in 90 Days or Less is perfect for you if…

  • You have a blog or online presence but haven’t seen the income that you want.
  • You understand that you don’t need to be “the expert” on your subject but know that your readers will resonate with your teaching if you approach it as “one step ahead.”
  • You’ve wanted to write an eBook in the past, but the topic selection, writing process, launch plan, marketing automation, and technical aspects seem overwhelming, and you need someone to guide you through the process.
  • You have no problem putting in the work and realize that all your effort is strategically moving your business and your income forward.
  • You’ve launched an eBook before but didn’t have the success that you envisioned.
  • You’ve written an eBook but didn’t have the confidence or know-how to offer it for sale.
  • You want to stand out in your niche.
  • You’re looking for an proven, effective system to launch your eBook that you can learn quickly and easily in order to launch your product with confidence.

And last but not least…

  • You love the blog or online business you are building and nothing excites you more than being able to reach more people, help more people, and increase your income! Let’s do this!

Get started now!